always documenting, even at the club

MY WRITING CENTERS the lives and wellbeing of queer people and people of color

I was born in Mexico City to a Chinese mother and a Mexican father before I immigrated to Dallas, Texas, where I discovered I didn’t like girls or going to church but loved writing. Since then, my words have appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, VICE and others. I was also a lifestyle writer at Mic, where I wrote about things like the hidden mental health messages in Disney movies. I’m currently freelancing full time and a regular contributor to HuffPost Voices and Into, where I write a column about queer wellness.

For me, nightlife was essential in finding community — that’s why in addition to writing, I organize events under WHORECHATA, a party collective that celebrates queer people of color and their creativity.

I am currently writing a memoir about what it means to live in a body with so many confusing identities.

You can also find me on TikTok or Instagram